Saints are people who have lived on this earth and have lived lives very close to God. Many of the saints suffered for God. Some even died for Him. In short, the saints were very strong in their devotion and faith. Some of the saints even had visitations from Jesus. Some had visitations from His Mother Mary or angles. Saints are our role models. We can learn about their lives and try to imitate them. We can learn about their devotions and use their practices in our own lives.
The saints have introduced many different types of prayer to the world throughout the ages. Many of these prayers can be used for specific needs in our lives. For example, when you loose something, you can pray to St. Anthony who is the patron of lost things. Or if you feel lost in life you can also pray to him to help you find God.
Praying to a saint is like going to a friend for help. We are not worshiping the saints --- we just ask them for help --- because they are very close to God. They are in Heaven and have a closeness to God that we do not have. It is simply another way to know God or ask for Gods help.
It is a good practice to choose a patron saint each year to walk with you spiritually. This practice is a great way to learn about their lives and have a strong spiritual advocate and guide.
Saints also have special feast days usually celebrated on the days of their death. There is a tradition to learn about the saint and celebrate the feast day by invoking that saint for special needs. It is believed that special graces are abundant on those feast days.
The lives of saints and the theology behind their experiences can get very complex and if you feel moved to explore more about the lives of saints it is a marvelous way to grow in knowledge of faith. A great way to start is to ask a priest or a sister to tell you about a saint that has a special place in their walk of faith.
There is centuries of information regarding the saints...this is only a very humble introduction to them. Please visit us in the future for special updates regarding the lives of saints.